Owing to the sudden credit crunch, more and more people are now switching towards the internet to generate that missing income. We would now be discussing 3 home business ideas to generate a steady flow of income through the means of the World Wide Web:
Idea #1: Filling Paid Surveys
Paid surveys can help you generate a steady source of income on a monthly basis. Paid surveys are considered as one of the most successful home business ideas to make a neat income and they are also easily available. You simply need to spend some quality time in filling the surveys. Likewise, as compared to other home based ideas, paid surveys do not pay so well and you have to watch the scams with these surveys because some companies take your money and leave no contact info.
Idea #2: Article Writing
Writing articles on a freelance basis is the second method of generating a substantial online income. Here, you have to use your writing as well as research skills to get the job done. In order to earn more money from your vendors, you need to write quality articles or blogs on a regular basis. Once you establish yourself in the market, you can hope to generate a neat income. Also, you want to build a brand from writing aritcles which will give you the needed steam to build your business.
Idea #3: SEO Techniques
The search engine optimization techniques are considered to be the most lucrative home based ideas for generating quick cash. In order to succeed through search engine optimization, you need to have detailed knowledge about this skill set. Interestingly, the education on SEO techniques is readily available and you can hope to learn more about search engine optimization by joining regular courses on the internet.
Want to discover more home business ideas?
Fabian Tan is a well-known home business expert and the author of the popular 59-page Report:
"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"
Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your FREE copy now!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fabian_Tan
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wealth Conferece Aug 1
Wealth Confernce tomorrow in Atlanta Georgia. Loral Langemeier will have her conference on Wealth building on Aug. 1 along with some of the best real estate and marketers in the business. I hope to see you there.
cool water
cool water
Monday, July 20, 2009
RE: 29 Ways to Attract Money
This is from Mr.Joe Vitale himself inwhich he gives us twenty nine ways to attract money !!!
1. If you’re in the US, and in an emergency, call 211.
2. Call the Silent Unity prayer line in the US: 1-740-362-4214.
3. Give money to wherever you received inspiration or encouragement.
4. Buy something you want and can afford.
5. Take action on an idea you have.
6. Write a script of you being wealthy and how it feels.
7. Watch the movie The Secret.
8. Watch the movie The Compass.
9. Watch the movie Try It On Everything.
10. Use EFT to help dissolve feelings of desperation.
11. Turn off the mainstream news.
12. Join or create a support group, such as Attract Miracles Online.
13. Forgive yourself and others.
14. Read Think and Grow Rich.
15. Turn a problem into a product and sell it online.
16. Feel grateful for something you have.
17. Practice the seven steps in Attract Money Now.
18. Listen to The Secret to Attracting Money.
19. Get a Miracles Coach.
20. Pray.
21. Create a vision board of what you want.
22. Do 5 things each day on items on your vision board.
23. Ask for help.
24. Help someone else.
25. Worship time, not money. Use your time wisely.
26. Imagine what you would do if you won the lotto for $37,000,000. Do it.
27. Do whatever you are afraid to do. Wealth is hiding behind your fear.
28. Get a job. While you pursue your dream, feed yourself with work.
29. Get clear of limiting beliefs about money.
1. If you’re in the US, and in an emergency, call 211.
2. Call the Silent Unity prayer line in the US: 1-740-362-4214.
3. Give money to wherever you received inspiration or encouragement.
4. Buy something you want and can afford.
5. Take action on an idea you have.
6. Write a script of you being wealthy and how it feels.
7. Watch the movie The Secret.
8. Watch the movie The Compass.
9. Watch the movie Try It On Everything.
10. Use EFT to help dissolve feelings of desperation.
11. Turn off the mainstream news.
12. Join or create a support group, such as Attract Miracles Online.
13. Forgive yourself and others.
14. Read Think and Grow Rich.
15. Turn a problem into a product and sell it online.
16. Feel grateful for something you have.
17. Practice the seven steps in Attract Money Now.
18. Listen to The Secret to Attracting Money.
19. Get a Miracles Coach.
20. Pray.
21. Create a vision board of what you want.
22. Do 5 things each day on items on your vision board.
23. Ask for help.
24. Help someone else.
25. Worship time, not money. Use your time wisely.
26. Imagine what you would do if you won the lotto for $37,000,000. Do it.
27. Do whatever you are afraid to do. Wealth is hiding behind your fear.
28. Get a job. While you pursue your dream, feed yourself with work.
29. Get clear of limiting beliefs about money.
Re: A note of Appreciation from the Rich
Let's be honest: you'll never win the lottery.
On the other hand, the chances are pretty good that you'll slave away at some miserable job the rest of your life. That's because you were in all likelihood born into the wrong social class. Let's face it — you're a member of the working caste. Sorry!
As a result, you don't have the education, upbringing, connections, manners, appearance, and good taste to ever become one of us. In fact, you'd probably need a book the size of the yellow pages to list all the unfair advantages we have over you. That's why we're so relieved to know that you still continue to believe all those silly fairy tales about "justice" and "equal opportunity" in America.
Of course, in a hierarchical social system like ours, there's never been much room at the top to begin with. Besides, it's already occupied by us — and we like it up here so much that we intend to keep it that way. But at least there's usually someone lower in the social hierarchy you can feel superior to and kick in the teeth once in a while. Even a lowly dishwasher can easily find some poor slob further down in the pecking order to sneer and spit at. So be thankful for migrant workers, prostitutes, and homeless street people.
Always remember that if everyone like you were economically secure and socially privileged like us, there would be no one left to fill all those boring, dangerous, low-paid jobs in our economy. And no one to fight our wars for us, or blindly follow orders in our totalitarian corporate institutions. And certainly no one to meekly go to their grave without having lived a full and creative life. So please, keep up the good work!
You also probably don't have the same greedy, compulsive drive to possess wealth, power, and prestige that we have. And even though you may sincerely want to change the way you live, you're also afraid of the very change you desire, thus keeping you and others like you in a nervous state of limbo. So you go through life mechanically playing your assigned social role, terrified what others would think should you ever dare to "break out of the mold."
Naturally, we try to play you off against each other whenever it suits our purposes: high-waged workers against low-waged, unionized against non-unionized, Black against White, male against female, American workers against Japanese against Mexican against.... We continually push your wages down by invoking "foreign competition," "the law of supply and demand," "national security," or "the bloated federal deficit." We throw you on the unemployed scrap heap if you step out of line or jeopardize our profits. And to give you an occasional break from the monotony of our daily economic blackmail, we allow you to participate in our stage-managed electoral shell games, better known to you ordinary folks as "elections." Happily, you haven't a clue as to what's really happening — instead, you blame "Aliens," "Tree-hugging Environmentalists," "Niggers," "Jews," Welfare Queens," and countless others for your troubled situation.
We're also very pleased that many of you still embrace the "work ethic," even though most jobs in our economy degrade the environment, undermine your physical and emotional health, and basically suck your one and only life right out of you. We obviously don't know much about work, but we're sure glad you do!
Of course, life could be different. Society could be intelligently organized to meet the real needs of the general population. You and others like you could collectively fight to free yourselves from our domination. But you don't know that. In fact, you can't even imagine that another way of life is possible. And that's probably the greatest, most significant achievement of our system — robbing you of your imagination, your creativity, your ability to think and act for yourself.
So we'd truly like to thank you from the bottom of our heartless hearts. Your loyal sacrifice makes possible our corrupt luxury; your work makes our system work. Thanks so much for "knowing your place" — without even knowing it!
"Lets Take The Chainz Off Our Brainz"
On the other hand, the chances are pretty good that you'll slave away at some miserable job the rest of your life. That's because you were in all likelihood born into the wrong social class. Let's face it — you're a member of the working caste. Sorry!
As a result, you don't have the education, upbringing, connections, manners, appearance, and good taste to ever become one of us. In fact, you'd probably need a book the size of the yellow pages to list all the unfair advantages we have over you. That's why we're so relieved to know that you still continue to believe all those silly fairy tales about "justice" and "equal opportunity" in America.
Of course, in a hierarchical social system like ours, there's never been much room at the top to begin with. Besides, it's already occupied by us — and we like it up here so much that we intend to keep it that way. But at least there's usually someone lower in the social hierarchy you can feel superior to and kick in the teeth once in a while. Even a lowly dishwasher can easily find some poor slob further down in the pecking order to sneer and spit at. So be thankful for migrant workers, prostitutes, and homeless street people.
Always remember that if everyone like you were economically secure and socially privileged like us, there would be no one left to fill all those boring, dangerous, low-paid jobs in our economy. And no one to fight our wars for us, or blindly follow orders in our totalitarian corporate institutions. And certainly no one to meekly go to their grave without having lived a full and creative life. So please, keep up the good work!
You also probably don't have the same greedy, compulsive drive to possess wealth, power, and prestige that we have. And even though you may sincerely want to change the way you live, you're also afraid of the very change you desire, thus keeping you and others like you in a nervous state of limbo. So you go through life mechanically playing your assigned social role, terrified what others would think should you ever dare to "break out of the mold."
Naturally, we try to play you off against each other whenever it suits our purposes: high-waged workers against low-waged, unionized against non-unionized, Black against White, male against female, American workers against Japanese against Mexican against.... We continually push your wages down by invoking "foreign competition," "the law of supply and demand," "national security," or "the bloated federal deficit." We throw you on the unemployed scrap heap if you step out of line or jeopardize our profits. And to give you an occasional break from the monotony of our daily economic blackmail, we allow you to participate in our stage-managed electoral shell games, better known to you ordinary folks as "elections." Happily, you haven't a clue as to what's really happening — instead, you blame "Aliens," "Tree-hugging Environmentalists," "Niggers," "Jews," Welfare Queens," and countless others for your troubled situation.
We're also very pleased that many of you still embrace the "work ethic," even though most jobs in our economy degrade the environment, undermine your physical and emotional health, and basically suck your one and only life right out of you. We obviously don't know much about work, but we're sure glad you do!
Of course, life could be different. Society could be intelligently organized to meet the real needs of the general population. You and others like you could collectively fight to free yourselves from our domination. But you don't know that. In fact, you can't even imagine that another way of life is possible. And that's probably the greatest, most significant achievement of our system — robbing you of your imagination, your creativity, your ability to think and act for yourself.
So we'd truly like to thank you from the bottom of our heartless hearts. Your loyal sacrifice makes possible our corrupt luxury; your work makes our system work. Thanks so much for "knowing your place" — without even knowing it!
"Lets Take The Chainz Off Our Brainz"
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Re: Can You Reall Make Lots of Money with Social Media
I found this article and thought it might be good for you to comment on..
peace cool water
» Introduction
Most social media "experts," if not all, will tell you that you can make lots of money with social media. Yet, they give you few, if any, ways to do it - unless you pay them.
» Step 1
I have "attended" quite a few preview teleseminars for social media programs and I have noticed a pattern. Most social media "experts," if not all, will tell you that you can make lots of money with social media. Yet, they give you few, if any, ways to do it - unless you pay them. And once you pay them, there's no guarantee that you'll hear anything you haven't already heard.
Most preview teleseminars start by telling you that you have to make friends on Facebook, gain followers on Twitter, connections on LinkedIn, etc. Really? Then, they tell you, "You have to give a lot before you get." Duh?! Then, they go over a few rules and the consequences of breaking those rules, "If you do this, then I'll un-friend you or I'll un-follow you, ha!" They get excited like it's a privilege to be a part of their exclusive club. They tell about how busy they are and why they don't have time for this or that. Great. However, if you want to learn ways to make money with social media, you'll have to spend $497, $997 or more to listen to teleseminars with other "experts." I'm not asking you to tell me all your secrets for free, but can you give me something before I give you hundreds or thousands of dollars?
A good preview teleseminar should stay true to its title and give listeners value. If it's a "Make Lots of Money ..." teleseminar, it should list some ways you can make lots of money and if you want to learn how, you can pay for it. But if you won't give me anything worthwhile for free on your preview teleseminar, why should I believe that you will give me anything worthwhile for $497, $997 or thousands of dollars? Just like most networking marketing "opportunities," I bet that most of these "experts" make a lot of their money from selling their "Make Lots of Money with Social Media" programs, not from using social media itself.
Most "experts" love to use President Barack Obama as proof that you can make lots of money with social media. This is misleading because he didn't "make" millions of dollars with it. A Presidential campaign is similar to a charity. You contribute money to a cause without receiving anything in return. You're not paying for a product or service. You don't earn or make money with charities and Presidential campaigns. Plus, Presidential campaigns come once every four years.
This leads to the question, "Can I make lots of money directly from social media?" Despite what everyone's telling you, the jury is still out. It's a great tool for conversation, catching up with old friends and classmates and sharing breaking news. However, most internet users don't want to be sold. So, if that's your target market, how will you make your money? I'll tell you that most social media "experts" make most of their money from putting on "Make Lots of Money with Social Media" programs and from speaking engagements. That's it! And, when you find out a way other than putting on your own program or booking a speaking engagement, please let me know.
By: Anthony Quinones Visit: Teacher's Website
peace cool water
» Introduction
Most social media "experts," if not all, will tell you that you can make lots of money with social media. Yet, they give you few, if any, ways to do it - unless you pay them.
» Step 1
I have "attended" quite a few preview teleseminars for social media programs and I have noticed a pattern. Most social media "experts," if not all, will tell you that you can make lots of money with social media. Yet, they give you few, if any, ways to do it - unless you pay them. And once you pay them, there's no guarantee that you'll hear anything you haven't already heard.
Most preview teleseminars start by telling you that you have to make friends on Facebook, gain followers on Twitter, connections on LinkedIn, etc. Really? Then, they tell you, "You have to give a lot before you get." Duh?! Then, they go over a few rules and the consequences of breaking those rules, "If you do this, then I'll un-friend you or I'll un-follow you, ha!" They get excited like it's a privilege to be a part of their exclusive club. They tell about how busy they are and why they don't have time for this or that. Great. However, if you want to learn ways to make money with social media, you'll have to spend $497, $997 or more to listen to teleseminars with other "experts." I'm not asking you to tell me all your secrets for free, but can you give me something before I give you hundreds or thousands of dollars?
A good preview teleseminar should stay true to its title and give listeners value. If it's a "Make Lots of Money ..." teleseminar, it should list some ways you can make lots of money and if you want to learn how, you can pay for it. But if you won't give me anything worthwhile for free on your preview teleseminar, why should I believe that you will give me anything worthwhile for $497, $997 or thousands of dollars? Just like most networking marketing "opportunities," I bet that most of these "experts" make a lot of their money from selling their "Make Lots of Money with Social Media" programs, not from using social media itself.
Most "experts" love to use President Barack Obama as proof that you can make lots of money with social media. This is misleading because he didn't "make" millions of dollars with it. A Presidential campaign is similar to a charity. You contribute money to a cause without receiving anything in return. You're not paying for a product or service. You don't earn or make money with charities and Presidential campaigns. Plus, Presidential campaigns come once every four years.
This leads to the question, "Can I make lots of money directly from social media?" Despite what everyone's telling you, the jury is still out. It's a great tool for conversation, catching up with old friends and classmates and sharing breaking news. However, most internet users don't want to be sold. So, if that's your target market, how will you make your money? I'll tell you that most social media "experts" make most of their money from putting on "Make Lots of Money with Social Media" programs and from speaking engagements. That's it! And, when you find out a way other than putting on your own program or booking a speaking engagement, please let me know.
By: Anthony Quinones Visit: Teacher's Website
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Social Media Teleseminar By Cool Water
This is the Social Media teleseminar that I promised you. Listen to each of the five videos this will help you work on your movement..
gem avery,
social media,
ty cohen,
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Getting Off The Planation Part3 The Finale
Cool Water Report
Getting Off The Plantation Prt.3
In the last edition, we looked at the theory of obtaining wealth and some of the elements that go along with people who have wealth. Now lets get back to the comment I made earlier about the three ways people get rich. Lets focus on the third one called talent. The power of ideas is where a large part of using your talents to create wealth comes into play. Do you have a vision? Can you see how to make something out of nothing? If so then you are on your way to doing what coporations do everyday. For example, how is it possible to keep folks hooked on tennis shoes, junk food, Video games, and music. Well, that comes from having great ideas and the power to persuased people to buy your product. Some body had the great idea to create Coca Cola soft drinks, McDonalds, John Madden, M&M Peanuts,and Victoria Secret etc. The goal of these companies are to keep you hook on this stuff forever. Bill Gates created Microsoft computers and Ted Turner created network television. Our ideas can bring us a considerable amounts of wealth if they are nutured right. The first phase to wealth is the power of ideas and the creations that go along with those ideas. It was brought to my attention that everyone has at least three talents, but most of us only use one or two. For the average Black man or woman all we have is are God are given talent so why not you use it.
There will always be a certain amount of things set up to hold us back, but you can't let that stop you. So taking your talent and bringing it from fantasy into reality is the most important. Using God's gift is an area that seperates the men from the boys or the girls from the ladies the is the drive to want to be free and win !!!! To be quite honest with you most of us are lazy as hell, and don't use the gifts from the creator to accomplish what needs to be done. Face it most of us will not receive an inheritance from are parents so the only other way to arrive at a place of peace and prosperity is to Grind like hell for it ( grind means -get up and go after it). Getting off the master's plantations is the main focus remember, because once you have the knowledge of how White America plays the game then you can play the game right along with White America. Talent is what most of us have, but never really use. As you get older you battle fear,anxiety,stress which hinders alot of people from getting where they want to be in life. The Average Negro don't have access to corporate dollars to be the executive crooks that you see on tv. So please hear me when I say the problem is within yourself when you don't get what we want out of life. It hurts my heart to hear people say they want to do certain things which are great ideas, but just let the stuff go to waste due to a lack of knowlege and understanding of how the game is played. For most of you, none of this stuff will mean a thing you will just keep on doing the same stuff you've been doing since birth. You are so conditioned to the same olded everyday hussel and bussel that it wouldn't make sense to come out of your comfort zone. But for those of you who have been looking for God to bring you some answers then maybe you will find it in this,and move forward to arrive at your destiny.
peace and many blessings
Getting Off The Plantation Prt.3
In the last edition, we looked at the theory of obtaining wealth and some of the elements that go along with people who have wealth. Now lets get back to the comment I made earlier about the three ways people get rich. Lets focus on the third one called talent. The power of ideas is where a large part of using your talents to create wealth comes into play. Do you have a vision? Can you see how to make something out of nothing? If so then you are on your way to doing what coporations do everyday. For example, how is it possible to keep folks hooked on tennis shoes, junk food, Video games, and music. Well, that comes from having great ideas and the power to persuased people to buy your product. Some body had the great idea to create Coca Cola soft drinks, McDonalds, John Madden, M&M Peanuts,and Victoria Secret etc. The goal of these companies are to keep you hook on this stuff forever. Bill Gates created Microsoft computers and Ted Turner created network television. Our ideas can bring us a considerable amounts of wealth if they are nutured right. The first phase to wealth is the power of ideas and the creations that go along with those ideas. It was brought to my attention that everyone has at least three talents, but most of us only use one or two. For the average Black man or woman all we have is are God are given talent so why not you use it.
There will always be a certain amount of things set up to hold us back, but you can't let that stop you. So taking your talent and bringing it from fantasy into reality is the most important. Using God's gift is an area that seperates the men from the boys or the girls from the ladies the is the drive to want to be free and win !!!! To be quite honest with you most of us are lazy as hell, and don't use the gifts from the creator to accomplish what needs to be done. Face it most of us will not receive an inheritance from are parents so the only other way to arrive at a place of peace and prosperity is to Grind like hell for it ( grind means -get up and go after it). Getting off the master's plantations is the main focus remember, because once you have the knowledge of how White America plays the game then you can play the game right along with White America. Talent is what most of us have, but never really use. As you get older you battle fear,anxiety,stress which hinders alot of people from getting where they want to be in life. The Average Negro don't have access to corporate dollars to be the executive crooks that you see on tv. So please hear me when I say the problem is within yourself when you don't get what we want out of life. It hurts my heart to hear people say they want to do certain things which are great ideas, but just let the stuff go to waste due to a lack of knowlege and understanding of how the game is played. For most of you, none of this stuff will mean a thing you will just keep on doing the same stuff you've been doing since birth. You are so conditioned to the same olded everyday hussel and bussel that it wouldn't make sense to come out of your comfort zone. But for those of you who have been looking for God to bring you some answers then maybe you will find it in this,and move forward to arrive at your destiny.
peace and many blessings
Getting Off The Planation part2
Getting Off The Plantation Prt.2
In the last issue, we discussed three very important steps to begin to move out the rat race. Step 1, was to create a nest egg while at the job three times your monthly income. Step 2, step up weekly goals that you can reach at the end of each week. After setting up weekly goals, then move on to monthly goals, and then start long term planning 3-6months out so that you can slowly move yourself from the rat race. Finally, there is something called Application, one must learn by doing for you think you know, but don’t until you try. Okay, now that the basics are covered we can get into some real talk. There are many people who are wealthy in this world do to one of several reasons. The first is they inherited there wealth for example, The Kennedy children started out in the game with a 100million dollars. Secondly, you are a crook (i.e. Enron, World com etc. corporate crooks) Finally, you have a talent of some sort and you use the gift God gave you to create considerable wealth. For those of you who say L.U.C.K plays a part L.U.C.K really means’ Laboring Under Correct Knowledge, as Jay Z put it “you create your own luck”. So, if you don’t understand how in the hell the game is played,then you will get played due to a lack of knowledge. Lets’ start with these basic elements before we get back to the three ways people become rich. You got your money and your credit together right. Now you have extra money to play with. The question that remains is what should you do with the extra money? In my personal opinion, you should start looking for places to invest in (real estate, money market funds, stock bonds, annuities, 401 k etc.). These are long term investing programs that will give you more interest on the dollar than the bank would give in a regular savings account. You got 3x the monthly income stashed away, bills caught up, and your credit straight, now its time to go from being in the red to getting into the green. Well, putting your money into these investment avenues is the first real step to getting out the rat race. If your situation is comfortable then you can get more out of it, and placing money into these vehicles will help. For those of you who don’t pay attention to detail, and want to ask a thousand question, all I can say to you is this is the start to generational wealth, and why the white kids start out with money in the bank,and black kids don’t. We don’t pass down any money making assets like real estate, self own business, stocks, and bonds etc. down to our children. Black children start out in the negative. This is the basic blue print to obtain so form of financial freedom, but just remember nothing comes without paying a price. These things don’t happen over night so patience is very important when you are acquiring wealth.
In the next issue we will expound further on the topic of getting off the plantation.
In the last issue, we discussed three very important steps to begin to move out the rat race. Step 1, was to create a nest egg while at the job three times your monthly income. Step 2, step up weekly goals that you can reach at the end of each week. After setting up weekly goals, then move on to monthly goals, and then start long term planning 3-6months out so that you can slowly move yourself from the rat race. Finally, there is something called Application, one must learn by doing for you think you know, but don’t until you try. Okay, now that the basics are covered we can get into some real talk. There are many people who are wealthy in this world do to one of several reasons. The first is they inherited there wealth for example, The Kennedy children started out in the game with a 100million dollars. Secondly, you are a crook (i.e. Enron, World com etc. corporate crooks) Finally, you have a talent of some sort and you use the gift God gave you to create considerable wealth. For those of you who say L.U.C.K plays a part L.U.C.K really means’ Laboring Under Correct Knowledge, as Jay Z put it “you create your own luck”. So, if you don’t understand how in the hell the game is played,then you will get played due to a lack of knowledge. Lets’ start with these basic elements before we get back to the three ways people become rich. You got your money and your credit together right. Now you have extra money to play with. The question that remains is what should you do with the extra money? In my personal opinion, you should start looking for places to invest in (real estate, money market funds, stock bonds, annuities, 401 k etc.). These are long term investing programs that will give you more interest on the dollar than the bank would give in a regular savings account. You got 3x the monthly income stashed away, bills caught up, and your credit straight, now its time to go from being in the red to getting into the green. Well, putting your money into these investment avenues is the first real step to getting out the rat race. If your situation is comfortable then you can get more out of it, and placing money into these vehicles will help. For those of you who don’t pay attention to detail, and want to ask a thousand question, all I can say to you is this is the start to generational wealth, and why the white kids start out with money in the bank,and black kids don’t. We don’t pass down any money making assets like real estate, self own business, stocks, and bonds etc. down to our children. Black children start out in the negative. This is the basic blue print to obtain so form of financial freedom, but just remember nothing comes without paying a price. These things don’t happen over night so patience is very important when you are acquiring wealth.
In the next issue we will expound further on the topic of getting off the plantation.
Getting Off the Planation
Getting Off The Plantation
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Tired of just having enough money to get by on, to pay your bills with, or to have some sort of social life while trying to be happy. Well, in this issue we will discuss the possibility of you, the employee, getting off the Master’s Plantation and becoming free. This will lead to mental, physical, material and spiritual prosperity. When I say get off the plantation I mean becoming your own boss or being in control of your life in such a way that you really only answer to yourself. So many of us are walking around with no plan or direction. This leads to stress, depression and unhealthy lifestyles that affect us in so many ways. Jawar of The Music Industry Connection states, "YOU MUST HAVE A PLAN AND THEN EXECUTE THE PLAN IN ORDER TO ARRIVE AT THE GOAL." How many of you have a plan to survive if you were to receive a Pink Slip today with no warning? I am sure it would not be too many. This just happened to me about a month ago. For those of you who know me, you know what I am talking about!!!! By the good graces of God I had money stashed away and was able to continue my normal lifestyle so that I did not fall by the way side. The first thing that one must understand is that a J.O.B really means Just Over Broke. If you are like so many black folks you are just living pay check to pay check. I am going to give you some suggestions that you may use to advance and begin to create small steps toward getting off the plantation. In no way am I a licensed professional, but through my experiences I have been able to learn some things that may help others who seek and desire the knowledge that will allow you to get the chains off your hands and feet.
Step 1 1. Create a nest egg while at the job three times your monthly income. For example, if you make 3,000 a month and you bring home 2,500, after taxes, then you want to have 7,500 dollars stashed away. That way if you were to lose your job then you could still maintain your lifestyle while you position yourself to get back on your feet. If saving is a problem because of your current situation or income, then begin to by taking small amounts out your pay check (example $50.00 a paycheck) and put it to the side so that you can begin to grow a small nest egg. Another way is to work on your credit so that you can have access to capital if needed. You should have at least a 5,000 to 10,000 credit limit option so that you can maintain a comfortable lifestyle and not go homeless. Just keep in mind that you have to pay back the money you borrow from the credit card, so its best to try to save 3 times the monthly income. Step 2. After completing step 1, then begin to setup weekly goals that you can reach at the end of each week. After setting up weekly goals, then move on to monthly goals, and then start long term planning 3 to 6 months out. These small steps will help you see where you came from and where you are going so that you can begin to gradually remove yourself from the Rat Race. Step 3 Finally, there is something called Application. John Dewey stated, "That ONE Must learn by doing for he thinks he knows but doesn't until he tries!" You have to be willing to fail in order to succeed. How many times did Micheal Jordan miss the last second shot? It was probably more than you care to remember. The point is that the reason we can remember the ones he made is because he was willing to try to hit the last shot. These are just a few suggestions that can get you started on a road to getting your life back while you achieve some small level of success for yourself. I will discuss some things in more detail in the next issue of “Planning and Freeing Yourself From The Rat Race.” Also, when your boss starts tripping on you, instead of you bitchen you can look him/her in their eyes and say loud and proud KISS MY ASSSS!!! (NOW THAT IS FUNNY). Just remember to work the plan. Corporations plan out five to ten years of what they are going to do, so why can't you?
In the next issue we will expound further on the topic of getting off the plantation.
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Tired of just having enough money to get by on, to pay your bills with, or to have some sort of social life while trying to be happy. Well, in this issue we will discuss the possibility of you, the employee, getting off the Master’s Plantation and becoming free. This will lead to mental, physical, material and spiritual prosperity. When I say get off the plantation I mean becoming your own boss or being in control of your life in such a way that you really only answer to yourself. So many of us are walking around with no plan or direction. This leads to stress, depression and unhealthy lifestyles that affect us in so many ways. Jawar of The Music Industry Connection states, "YOU MUST HAVE A PLAN AND THEN EXECUTE THE PLAN IN ORDER TO ARRIVE AT THE GOAL." How many of you have a plan to survive if you were to receive a Pink Slip today with no warning? I am sure it would not be too many. This just happened to me about a month ago. For those of you who know me, you know what I am talking about!!!! By the good graces of God I had money stashed away and was able to continue my normal lifestyle so that I did not fall by the way side. The first thing that one must understand is that a J.O.B really means Just Over Broke. If you are like so many black folks you are just living pay check to pay check. I am going to give you some suggestions that you may use to advance and begin to create small steps toward getting off the plantation. In no way am I a licensed professional, but through my experiences I have been able to learn some things that may help others who seek and desire the knowledge that will allow you to get the chains off your hands and feet.
Step 1 1. Create a nest egg while at the job three times your monthly income. For example, if you make 3,000 a month and you bring home 2,500, after taxes, then you want to have 7,500 dollars stashed away. That way if you were to lose your job then you could still maintain your lifestyle while you position yourself to get back on your feet. If saving is a problem because of your current situation or income, then begin to by taking small amounts out your pay check (example $50.00 a paycheck) and put it to the side so that you can begin to grow a small nest egg. Another way is to work on your credit so that you can have access to capital if needed. You should have at least a 5,000 to 10,000 credit limit option so that you can maintain a comfortable lifestyle and not go homeless. Just keep in mind that you have to pay back the money you borrow from the credit card, so its best to try to save 3 times the monthly income. Step 2. After completing step 1, then begin to setup weekly goals that you can reach at the end of each week. After setting up weekly goals, then move on to monthly goals, and then start long term planning 3 to 6 months out. These small steps will help you see where you came from and where you are going so that you can begin to gradually remove yourself from the Rat Race. Step 3 Finally, there is something called Application. John Dewey stated, "That ONE Must learn by doing for he thinks he knows but doesn't until he tries!" You have to be willing to fail in order to succeed. How many times did Micheal Jordan miss the last second shot? It was probably more than you care to remember. The point is that the reason we can remember the ones he made is because he was willing to try to hit the last shot. These are just a few suggestions that can get you started on a road to getting your life back while you achieve some small level of success for yourself. I will discuss some things in more detail in the next issue of “Planning and Freeing Yourself From The Rat Race.” Also, when your boss starts tripping on you, instead of you bitchen you can look him/her in their eyes and say loud and proud KISS MY ASSSS!!! (NOW THAT IS FUNNY). Just remember to work the plan. Corporations plan out five to ten years of what they are going to do, so why can't you?
In the next issue we will expound further on the topic of getting off the plantation.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Can You See Freedom
In order to be free you have to see visualize it and believe you can be free. You must get clear mentally meaning you got to let go of the bullshit, and say you want to achieve something so great that only God knows that you can do it . Finding freedom from a job is a task that will require you to let go of friends that are in the way,family that keeps doubting you,and jobs that are holding you back.
This is the first quarter of the year, so getting off to a good start is so important while working toward your goal. Start saving money during the recession,because this shows discipline and allows you to get your emergency fund together for future emergency. It may get lonely but remember you are striving for your goals while others are partying, having sex, and sleeping late you are putting in What Napoleon Hill calls faith work. Faith is something you can't see visually but you know its there,because it got you to the place of destination when it seem like nothing was working for you. Freedom is in the horizon for those that want it follow me and we can be free together.
Get Clear Get Free & Get Money
This is the first quarter of the year, so getting off to a good start is so important while working toward your goal. Start saving money during the recession,because this shows discipline and allows you to get your emergency fund together for future emergency. It may get lonely but remember you are striving for your goals while others are partying, having sex, and sleeping late you are putting in What Napoleon Hill calls faith work. Faith is something you can't see visually but you know its there,because it got you to the place of destination when it seem like nothing was working for you. Freedom is in the horizon for those that want it follow me and we can be free together.
Get Clear Get Free & Get Money
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Before You Refinace Educate Yourself First
Refinancing a mortgage can be a great way to save money, but if you are not careful then you might find that your refinanced mortgage loan will actually end up costing you more than your original loan did. You should make sure that you do not rush into refinancing a mortgage loan, taking the time to consider whether you would be better served by keeping your current loan or refinancing with a new loan. In order to help you to decide whether refinancing is right for you, ask yourself the following questions before you refinance.
Can I get a better interest rate?
Before you refinance, always take the time to check the interest rate you will have to pay. Though many commercials and advertisements might say that it is a great time to refinance, you will find that more often than not the same advertisements will appear regardless of whether rates are low or high. Take the time to shop around before you refinance, and collect rate quotes that you can compare to your current mortgage rate. That way, you can make sure you will be paying less for your new loan than you are for the mortgage loan you currently have. If you find an exceptional deal on an interest rate then you can end up saving thousands of dollars on your mortgage over the course of repayment. Consider and weigh both the total of payments over the long term as well as any “savings” you may receive on the monthly payment. Sometimes a lower payment now means a higher cost overall, but not always.
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Refinace Educate Yourself First
Can I get a better interest rate?
Before you refinance, always take the time to check the interest rate you will have to pay. Though many commercials and advertisements might say that it is a great time to refinance, you will find that more often than not the same advertisements will appear regardless of whether rates are low or high. Take the time to shop around before you refinance, and collect rate quotes that you can compare to your current mortgage rate. That way, you can make sure you will be paying less for your new loan than you are for the mortgage loan you currently have. If you find an exceptional deal on an interest rate then you can end up saving thousands of dollars on your mortgage over the course of repayment. Consider and weigh both the total of payments over the long term as well as any “savings” you may receive on the monthly payment. Sometimes a lower payment now means a higher cost overall, but not always.
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Refinace Educate Yourself First
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