Saturday, January 8, 2011

Blacks and The Unemployment Rate

Chicago ghetto on the South Side. May 1974. Ph...
Image via Wikipedia
Since the so called recession or depression the unemployment rate has grow over the last three years. When the news media reports on the unemployment rate for Americans they are not really reporting the real unemployment rate for all Americans. The black community umemployment rate is always higher than the American average rate that you hear on tv.
The black community is in really bad shape right now with it comes to the job market. Many jobs are leaving the US for places like India and China. Lower rages and the companies bottom line is why many of your major corporations are leaving America and heading over seas.

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High black teen unemployment can be linked directly to spikes in violent crime occurring all throughout the United States. Overall black unemployment has been the bane of President Obama's existence, as the black community has silently ...

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Furthermore, since the long-term unemployment benefits have been renewed, they could bring more people back into the labor force leading to a rise in the unemployment rate. So, things may get worse before they get better, ...

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