Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hyper Inflation What is It

1923 gdansk 10mlnImage via Wikipedia Term Hyper Inflation has been floating around lately. What is Hyperinflation? Hyperinflation according to the online definition is inflation that is very high or "out of control", a condition in which prices increase rapidly as a currency loses its value. Is our economy headed for hyperinflation, well many seem the think that the dollar falling fast and the cost of goods are rising steadily. Countries like Japan and Zimbabwe have already experience extreme hyperinflation and many people are out on the street or living in small quarters just to not go homeless.

Hyperinflation is slowing coming into play in America and many propagandist worry that the dollar will fall because of it. The Feds keep printing more money and only because of that mindset the dollar is getting weaker and no other countries around the world will accept the dollar as its nations reserve.

MUST SEE! America and her IMPENDING economic COLLAPSE !!!!

This is good breakdown of why our economy cannot be sustained too much longer. All its going to take is a "last straw" event that will bring down this house of cards.

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Point blank, if the US was anywhere close to hyperinflation, Centex and other builders would not be knocking off $100000 on the prices of their houses. I would not be able to buy chicken legs at .49 a pound on sale. ...

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Inflation and the Economy

Chart of M2 money velocity and employment-popu...Image via Wikipedia
You've heard the word inflation well I wanted to define it for you so you could have a clear understanding of what inflation is. In economics, inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time... according to the wikipedia definition.

Well as prices increase the money seems to decrease and that leaves a flagging economy with zero dollars for economic growth.

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Economy revives but inflation, reforms s...The year evidently started on a positive note when...Stock markets also regained buoyancy, investments ..."India's growth-inflation dynamics are in contrast..."The economy is recovering rapidly ...

Inflation and Velocity of Money

Mostly it went into paper asset prices, not the real economy itself. This is why equity bulls had such a great year in 2009. But for the purposes of this discussion, we are talking about inflation in the real economy, not the paper ...

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What Is Deflation

CHICAGO - JANUARY 27:  Traders on the CME Grou...Image by Getty Images via @daylife What is deflation and how does it effect are economy? Deflation is a decrease in the general price level of goods and services. Deflation occurs when the annual inflation rate falls below zero percent (a negative inflation rate), resulting in an increase in the real value of money – allowing one to buy more goods with the same amount.

The economy is falling short because of deflation and that has a good effect on goods and services.

What Is Deflation Anyhow?

What Is Deflation Anyhow? More information: see more. Permalink Leave a comment »

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Don't Look Now, But We're REALLY Close To A Deflationary Relapse – Joe Weisenthal – This morning the government reported that core-CPI — which excludes food and energy — rose 0.1%, … But really it was all energy that pushed prices ...

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What is The Federal Reserve

In 1935, Cret designed the Seal of the Board o...Image via WikipediaWhat is the Federal Reserve and whats their role in the US economy ? Every American is affected by the Federal Reserve and doesn't even you know it. The almighty dollar is the Federal Reserves biggest creation. When the economy does good or bad the Federal Reserve is at the drivers seat. Inflation, deflation, and hyperflation is a Federal Reserve worst and best friend when it comes to the economy. How did the Federal Reserve come into so much power that it has the ability to destroy economies

Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve

Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson understood "The Monster". But to most Americans today, Federal Reserve is just a name on the dollar bill. They have no idea of what the central bank does to the economy, or to their own economic lives; of how and w...

Who owns the Federal Reserve?

Glenn Beck finally asks questions

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Precious Metals

Precious metals prices in May 2010Image via Wikipedia Precious Metals are on the rise in the American Economy. Since the recession the dollar has been falling while goods and services has risen. Why precious metals you ask? Precious metals are a safe hedge against the dollar and the falling economy. Gold has been rising in value since 2006. Silver has taken a slow second to its increase in the market place. Gold and Silver is what every American needs to own in order to fight against the falling dollar.

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Monday, December 6, 2010

100 Billion Dollar Problem

Gold is Money!Image by r0b0r0b via Flickr Are the Feds or Federal Reserve as we know it creating a problem by creating money out of then air ? The Feds are having problems with the new roll out of its new 100 dollar bills. The new 100 dollar bills have gotten some preprinting problems. The Feds have printed up about 100billion dollars worth of bills at about 12cent a bill. The bills are housed at a large facility in Texas.

There is already 900 billion dollars worth of currency in circulation. The faulty printing of the new hundred dollar bills that are said to be bad and good can cause a few major problems with what the money is good clean money and what is bad money. It could take a full year to seperate the good bills from the bad bills.

$110 billion in new hundred-dollar bills are no good Gold Anti ...

WASHINGTON -- A significant production problem with new high-tech $100 bills has caused government printers to shut down production of the new notes and to quarantine more than one billion of the bills in huge vaults in Fort Worth, ...

US new 100-dollar note plauged by printing problems

now making all old style $100 bills again

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