Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Do You Survive The New Great Depression

Unemployed people in front of a workhouse in L...Image via Wikipedia The year was 1929 and the economy was in a mess. Many families where living hand to mouth. During this time period, a lot of families where standing in soup lines, unemployed, and homeless. Now lets fast forward to the year 2010-2011, the economy is in a mess, and many people are unemployed. The great depression is among us again so it seems here in the year 2011. The question how does one survive and thrive during this time period. It has been recorded that there were more millionaires made during the Great depression than in any other period in history.

In my opinion, these great men and women came up with a problem that needed to be solved . In the year 2011 the game is the same, and the problems that need to be solved are new. The cure for the unemployed is to create small business that solved problems that stimulate the economy.

Think and Grow Rich, Richest Man in Babylon, Millionaire Next Door - Book Review

This is a book review on the bestsellers, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George Clason, and "The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas Stanley and William Danko, sponsored by PapaMedia.com. In one of the most popul...

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Cashless Society

MasterCardImage via Wikipedia The year is 2015 and the dollar bill is not being accepted any where in the world. The Global economy is in full swing and Master Card, Visa, and Discover rule the world through credit. You can't buy, or purchase anything unless you have credit. This is the world to come and the global economy is slowly moving towards a cashless society. When the economy crashes the dollar will have to be replaced and other forms of currency and credit will be something suggested to the people.
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Credit What is it

Credit cardsImage via Wikipedia Many people are in debt through the use of credit. I had a credit card that had a huge balance which brought me a huge debt. Is credit really an asset or liability? Credit and the debt there of has really brought this country to its knees. Credit can be a good thing if you know how to use it, but it can also be a liability if you don't use it right. I'm sure you have heard the term OPM or (Other Peoples Money) is a key to getting rich. Bad debt is what keeps you from getting wealthy. Wealth has been built on using other peoples money. Banks are in the business of loaning money and that usually comes through obtaining credit.

CREDIT REPAIR - info from the Credit Secrets Bible

Free report at: http://www.csbcards.com/ - (*24hr Recorded Message (775) 473-9014*) CREDIT REPAIR: info from the credit secrets bible Rebuild Credit: Insider Credit Repair Techniques to Improve Credit Score Fast! What's the fastest way to raise your credit s...

Robert Kiyosaki - New Rules of Money, Part 5/7: Good Debt Vs. Bad Debt

Robert Kiyosaki - New Rules of Money

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Fall of The Dollar

2007 $1 Washington coin reverse.Image via Wikipedia It has been much talk about the dollar bill is slowly dieing. Many economic advisors have talked about how the dollar is falling. Inflation is the real reason that the economy is falling. As prices increases the value of the dollar begins to fall. The dollar used to be backed by gold until 1933 and the gold reserve was stole from Fort Knox. In 1973 the president signed a bill removing the gold standard. Most countries around the globe has lost their global currency. Many third world countries due to inflation has lost their currency and now depend on the World Bank and the IMF. In the coming years nearing 2012 and beyond I global currency called the dollar is not going to be accepted by the world as the global currency because it has lost its value.

What Really Backs the US Dollar?

(1.000); US Dollar Forecast For 2009 (1.000); US Economy - History Proves the US Dollar Will Fail (1.000); The Fate of the US Dollar (1.000); Will the US Dollar Be Worthless? (1.000); Protecting Your Wealth As the US Dollar Loses Value ...



The inevitable collapse of the dollar

The current account deficit: en.wikipedia.org Summary: Americans are living beyond their means and Asia is currently financing that. But eventually the Asians/Europeans will stop financing the USA and then the bubble will burst. Also check out the 1-...

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The story behind $255 billion in gold (news.cnet.com)
Citi: This Is How The Dollar Could Lose Its Reserve Currency Status (businessinsider.com)

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Blacks and The Unemployment Rate

Chicago ghetto on the South Side. May 1974. Ph...
Image via Wikipedia
Since the so called recession or depression the unemployment rate has grow over the last three years. When the news media reports on the unemployment rate for Americans they are not really reporting the real unemployment rate for all Americans. The black community umemployment rate is always higher than the American average rate that you hear on tv.
The black community is in really bad shape right now with it comes to the job market. Many jobs are leaving the US for places like India and China. Lower rages and the companies bottom line is why many of your major corporations are leaving America and heading over seas.

Black Unemployment is on the Rise TheLoop21.com

High black teen unemployment can be linked directly to spikes in violent crime occurring all throughout the United States. Overall black unemployment has been the bane of President Obama's existence, as the black community has silently ...

Number of Discouraged American Workers Hit Record High Benzinga.com

Furthermore, since the long-term unemployment benefits have been renewed, they could bring more people back into the labor force leading to a rise in the unemployment rate. So, things may get worse before they get better, ...

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Another View - Unemployment in the Hampton Roads African-American Community

Nationwide the unemployment rate this year is close to 7%, but in the African-American community it is above 12%! In Hampton Roads, white unemployment in 2008 was 3.4%, while African-American unemployment was 6.2%. Why are the numbers so high in our ...

Is Obama Doing Enough For Black People?

Reverend Al Sharpton, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, and Jeff Johnson appear on Larry King Live to discuss President Obama's policies and their effect on the African American community.

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