Saturday, March 26, 2011

Have and Have Nots

Marshall's flax-mill, Holbeck, Leeds, interior...Image via Wikipedia Since the recession, the gap between the haves and have nots has widen. President Obama has talked much about the gap between the poor and middle class growing. Jobs loss, low paying, wages and unemployment is the real cause between the have's and have not's. Many Americans are using food stamps and government assistance to make ends meet. Companies are laying off workers to cut their bottom line, and this makes it even harder for people to find work when no one is really hiring for some skilled labor.
Globalization: The Haves and Have Nots - 40 min doc

See full film here: 17 April 2000 The city is besieged by 40000 labour, environmental and human rights activists, claiming the WTO puts too much emphasis on 'free' rather than 'fair' trade. Not since the Industrial Revolution ha...

The Haves and Have Nots

Speaker: Branko Milanovic Chair: Professor Danny Quah This event was recorded on 8 February 2011 in Old Theatre, Old Building Inequality is a surprisingly slippery issue, involving not just straightforward comparisons of individuals, but also compari...

Business and Society: The Haves & Have Nots

This is an interview with Jeffrey S. Kane of Federal Reserve Bank. Jeffrey S. Kane Senior Vice-President in Charge of the Federal Reserve Bank is interviewed by Rosemarie Tong and Richard Toenjes from the Center for Professional and Applied Ethics at...

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Does The Dept. of Labor find Jobs

I like many Americans have been unemployed at some point and time. We have all went to the department of labor to look for work, and to no avail, we really didn't come out with any real leads that we can say got us the job. The constant sending of resumes, making calls, and going to job fairs at some point landed you and I a job. So, the question is whats the purpose of the Department of Labor? I got many friends who go into the Department of Labor looking for work, but still come up with nothing.

Affirmative Action Blog Spot: US Department of Labor makes ...

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy today posted an online toolkit comprised of resources to assist federal agencies in recruiting, employing and retaining individuals with disabilities. ...

Publish Date: 03/07/2011 14:33

Dept of Labor Working for You Fellowship of the Minds

Author Byron York notes, “But is it the role of the secretary of labor to take sides in a fight that pits public employee union members against workers and taxpayers who support Walker's reforms? After all, the Labor Department mission ...

Publish Date: 03/01/2011 22:36

Secretary Solis' Labor Day Address (2010)

This Labor Day, Secretary Solis wanted to talk directly with you -- the American worker. Tune in as she shares what she's seen and heard around the country... and what your Department of Labor is doing to get America back to work. Visit f...

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Are Food Stamps Enough

Nutrition Assistance for Puerto Rico is a fede...Image via Wikipedia Are Food Stamps enough for the families who have been out of work? The economy has been having a tough time recovering, and many Americans are still out of work. Food Stamps are meant to supplement a persons income to help with the food bill. When you are supporting a family of two, or more people and you still have a light power gas mortgage bills coming in does food stamps really help cover the cost? Inflations seems to play a role with the grocery bill. Food Stamps should provide some families with a little relief, but with all the other bills on the table it may not cure the situation to much.

For Many Americans, Food Stamps Aren't Enough For The Month ...

I just have to wonder what kind of inhuman people want to ignore this. Hell, I wonder if most members of Congress even know about it! Are we supposed to believe that the United States of America can't afford to feed struggling people?

Publish Date: 12/31/2010 11:00

Are Food Shortages Coming? — Rick's Picks

–40 million + US people are on food stamps. –239 million US people live paycheck to paycheck. That's a lot of people living on the edge. We'll see how much –Grin and bear it versus –Vigorous calls for government to do something like: .... If they don't quite have enough there on Wall Street, just move up the isle a bit and get the rest from Rockefeller. If this evil House doesn't have quite enough at home, there is another House in Europe that could fill in the gap ...

Publish Date: 02/28/2011 17:01

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The Government should raise the food stamps limit, Obviously it's not enough.

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