Monday, July 20, 2009

RE: 29 Ways to Attract Money

This is from Mr.Joe Vitale himself inwhich he gives us twenty nine ways to attract money !!!

1. If you’re in the US, and in an emergency, call 211.

2. Call the Silent Unity prayer line in the US: 1-740-362-4214.

3. Give money to wherever you received inspiration or encouragement.

4. Buy something you want and can afford.

5. Take action on an idea you have.

6. Write a script of you being wealthy and how it feels.

7. Watch the movie The Secret.

8. Watch the movie The Compass.

9. Watch the movie Try It On Everything.

10. Use EFT to help dissolve feelings of desperation.

11. Turn off the mainstream news.

12. Join or create a support group, such as Attract Miracles Online.

13. Forgive yourself and others.

14. Read Think and Grow Rich.

15. Turn a problem into a product and sell it online.

16. Feel grateful for something you have.

17. Practice the seven steps in Attract Money Now.

18. Listen to The Secret to Attracting Money.

19. Get a Miracles Coach.

20. Pray.

21. Create a vision board of what you want.

22. Do 5 things each day on items on your vision board.

23. Ask for help.

24. Help someone else.

25. Worship time, not money. Use your time wisely.

26. Imagine what you would do if you won the lotto for $37,000,000. Do it.

27. Do whatever you are afraid to do. Wealth is hiding behind your fear.

28. Get a job. While you pursue your dream, feed yourself with work.

29. Get clear of limiting beliefs about money.

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