Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Do You Survive The New Great Depression

Unemployed people in front of a workhouse in L...Image via Wikipedia The year was 1929 and the economy was in a mess. Many families where living hand to mouth. During this time period, a lot of families where standing in soup lines, unemployed, and homeless. Now lets fast forward to the year 2010-2011, the economy is in a mess, and many people are unemployed. The great depression is among us again so it seems here in the year 2011. The question how does one survive and thrive during this time period. It has been recorded that there were more millionaires made during the Great depression than in any other period in history.

In my opinion, these great men and women came up with a problem that needed to be solved . In the year 2011 the game is the same, and the problems that need to be solved are new. The cure for the unemployed is to create small business that solved problems that stimulate the economy.

Think and Grow Rich, Richest Man in Babylon, Millionaire Next Door - Book Review

This is a book review on the bestsellers, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George Clason, and "The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas Stanley and William Danko, sponsored by PapaMedia.com. In one of the most popul...

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